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Helping Parents, Teens & Pre-Teens Rediscover Joy In Learning & Life
Children are naturally inclined to live life to the fullest, and enjoy learning new skills. But at some point, this can often start to fade. Children have stresses, at school, at home, from peers and parents. Understanding your child’s needs when they do not fully understand those needs themselves can be an impossible challenge, and it often seems like it is impossible to bring back the emotional well being of your loved one through any action of your own. My mission is to consult with parents, and to assist with recommendations and resources which have been invaluable to me in my own journey through this challenge.
Children Get Burned Out Too
They Start Happy
They Grow Up
But Things Can Change

I Have Been There, And I Can Help
Disengaging in school, disruptive behavior, and disregard for personal belongings are just a few categories that all became out of control. Relationships with family members and teachers became stressed and unproductive as well. After exploring all of the resources for our son to understand WHY he was so disengaged, we trusted the process of Wilderness Therapy.
With the support of valued leaders in the industry, and systematically measuring of social and emotional intelligence along the way, we crossed the finish line, and celebrate the achievements (MY SON? OUR SON?) made for himself.
Your family can get through this process as well, with support along the way, with deep empathic understating of the process you will experience in the journey…for you as a parent, your family members, and your child as they find their path to their best self!